The Operating Foundation

Bloc X Bloc Community Empowerment Fund

At the heart of our initiative is the establishment of the Bloc X Bloc Community Empowerment Fund, designed to foster sustainable economic development and enhance job security among local residents. Our goal is to build a financially self-sustaining model that prioritizes community development and self-determination without the constant need for fundraising.

  • Sustainable Funding: Utilize a portion of the interest generated from the community fund to finance ongoing community projects. This ensures that the fund remains robust and continues to grow, supporting the community indefinitely.

  • Job Security: Provide community members with stable employment opportunities that contribute to local projects and initiatives. By doing so, we aim to reduce unemployment and increase economic stability within the community by paying people above living wage salaries to provide dedicated service within their own communities.

  • Community Development: Focus on projects that enhance the quality of life for all residents, including infrastructure improvements, educational programs, and public health initiatives.

  • Self-Determination: Resourcing residents to lead and manage community projects, fostering a sense of ownership and restoring pride in their communities that was taken away by decades of racist policies and systemic neglect.

How It Works

  1. Fund Creation: The fund is established through initial donations and investments. A diversified investment strategy maximizes the earning potential of the fund while minimizing risks.

  2. Interest Utilization: A calculated portion of the generated interest is reinvested into the fund to ensure its growth. The remainder is allocated to fund communities members salaries and community projects.

  3. Project Implementation: Community members propose projects, which are then vetted and approved by a community board. This ensures that all initiatives align with the broader goals of enhancing community welfare and development.

  4. Ongoing Evaluation: Regular assessments are conducted to measure the impact of funded projects and the overall health of the fund. Adjustments are made as necessary to optimize both financial performance and community benefit.

Get Involved

We invite community members, local businesses, and external supporters to contribute to the Bloc X Bloc Community Empowerment Fund, either through direct financial support or by lending their expertise and time to community projects. Join us in disrupting the non-profit industrial complex by placing the resources and power back into communities.